Offshore Floating Platform Design
(Floating Production, Storage & Offloading)
TLP (Tension Leg Platform)
(주)오션스페이스사의 해상 부유식 담당업무
Stability Analysis
Computer Software : ARIANE 3D & HYDROSTAR
Intact and damaged stability for all drafts corresponding to loading conditions
Revised and updated whenever the weight control report shows sifnificant changes in the estimated weight, weight distribution or the estinated LCG and VCG
Motion Analysis
Computer Software : ARIANE 3D & HYDROSTAR
3D-diffraction/radiation method with the hull modeled by panels
Significant and the most probable extreme motions and accelerations for various return period storm
Marine & Mooring System Design
Turret Mooring System
Marine System Design
Riser Porch Design
On-Vessel Moorings System Design
Off-Vessel Moorings System Design
Mooring Analysis
- Computer Software : ARIANE 3D & HYDROSTAR - Complete Time Domain analyses for intact, damaged and transient case - Fatigue analysis inclusive of critical interconnecting components - Mooring installation analyses(주)오션스페이스사의 해상 부유식 담당업무
Hull Structure Design
Computer Software : GT-STRUDL, ANSYS & LS-DYNA
Hull Girder Analysis
- Wave Induced & Still Water Bending Moments and Shearing Force - Maximum and Minimum Mooring and Riser System Reaction - Finite Element Analysis of a Representative Portion of the Vessel's HullFatigue Loading Check for Hot Spot Area and Minimization of Stress Concentration
Local Strengthening for Topside Equipment
Topside Structural Engineering
Computer Software : GT-STRUDL, ANSYS & STAAD Pro
Basic and Detailed Engineering of all modules and miscellaneous structutes
Loadings due to Bending of the Hull and Vessel Hull / Skid Structute Interaction
Finite element method for deflection sensitive assemblies and components
(주)오션스페이스사의 해상 부유식 담당업무
Process Engineering
Process Simulation
Heat & Material, Balance
Utility Requirement
P&IDs & UFDs
Equipment List
Data Sheets
Safety Analysis Fuctional Evaluation (SAFE) Charts
Operating Philosophy
Vendor Technical Data
Mechanical Equipment Engineering
Equipment Specifications
Equipment Skid Layouts
Equipment Skeleton Drawing
Equipment Mountings
Equipment Weights
Pressure Vessel & Tanks
Noise Testing
Piping Engineering
Plot Plan
Piping Material Specification
Piping Flexibillity and Vibration Analyses
Pipeline List
Specialty Items
Tie-in Point Schedule
Equipment Layout
Piping Details & Isometrics
Pipe Supports
Bill of Materials
Clean and Test Procedure
Loss Prevention Engineering
Loss Prevention Philosophy
HAZID(Hazard Identification)
HAZOP(Hazard & Operability)
What-If Analysis
Consequence Analysis
Fire Risk Analysis
Fault Tree Analysis
QRA(Quantitative Risk Analysis)
SIL(Safety Integrity Level)
Fire Protection: Suppression & Prevention
Hazardous Area Classification
Fire & Gas Detection
EMP(Environmental Management Plan)
(주)오션스페이스사의 해상 부유식 담당업무
Electrical Engineering
One-Line Diagrams
Electrical System Analyses
Area Classifications
Electrical Equipment Specifications and Datasheets
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Bill of Materials
Storage Batteries and Battery Chargers
Instrmentation Engineering
Control System Design
General Specifications
Turbo machinery
The review and comments of all vendor drawings
Instrument Index and I/O List
Data Sheets
Instrument Location Plans
Instrument Installation Details
Interconnecting Wiring Diagrams
Control Loop Diagrams
Control Logic Diagrams
Instrument Loop Diagrams
The review and comments of Control and Safety Systems Configuration, Programming and Documentation
The review and comments of Fire and Gas Safety System
Bill of material for instrument
Telecommunication Engineering
Conventional Radio System
Aviation Radio System
Marine Radio System
Telephone System
Public Address and Paging System
WAN/LAN System
Satellite System
(주)오션스페이스사의 해상 부유식 담당업무
Pipeline & Riser Design
In-field Flowlines, Steel Catenary Risers and Export Pipelines
The exposure to dropped objects, the riser fatigue, the installation strategies, the repair and maintenance plan and the low ambient water temperature effect
The yield minimum stresses at the hang-off point and sag-bend area, the VIV performance
The global dynamic analysis to confirm no interference with the hull, other risers, mooring lines and other parts of the structure
The wall thickness to resist internal and external pressure, collapse, hydrotest, buckle propagation, temperature and fatigue requirement
Project Office : located in Busan
Design Consulting & Certificate : cooperate with Overseas Companies